
About Me

Hello all! My name is Valerie. I am currently a student at Liberty University. I will soon finish with my B.S. in Early Education Interdisciplinary Studies, which is a fancy way of saying I will be best qualified as a pre-school teacher. I also help out with the best little girl who has Down syndrome and autism. I have worked since 2006 with children with autism and other developmental disabilities, some in a private ABA company, a one-on-one aide in a moderate to severe special day class (SDC) and in a preschool age day care chain. I have trained others to work with individuals in the home setting and school setting, as well as had my own clients in the home, SDC, partial inclusion and full inclusion in the general educational setting. 

My heart is to help, in various aspects, children participate, with as much independence as possible, in the least restrictive environment (LRE) as possible. Many general education teachers have and will have situations with students who need extra attention and with a class full of children who constantly need guidance. Help may be needed! My heart is to utilize my personal experiences, opinions, and education to help acclimate the student who needs a little TLC, so that the whole class can function in as much harmony as is possible!

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